Saturday, December 02, 2006

Flash Player 9 and Linux

YES, now I will be able to play to the games written in Flash and to enjoy the new web sites based on Flex2.0. This time, it is as easy as pie to install : just download the plugin from this adress:
uncompress it and copy in your user's directory of plugins of Mozilla: it must be something as: ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ... Restart it, and now you are ready for web site based on flash (you can test the MacDo's game). And now enjoy the beauty of flash...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Close and manage file with vim

Let's continue with the best practice of the vim software:

to close vim
to close vim without recording the modifications
to write the modification
to write the file you are editing in NEW_FILE
:w! [FILE]
it is the same action as before but you force the action
:n,mw [FILE]
save the lines from n to m in the file FILE
:n,mw >>[FILE]
add the lines from n to m at the end of the file FILE
:wq ou :x ou ZZ
Save the file and close vim
edit the file again but with the version on the disk
:e [FILE]
edit the file FILE rather than the current file (:e! to force the action)
:r [FILE]
insert the file FILE after the current line
:rn [FILE] ou :nr [FILE]
insert the file FILE after the line n
n is either a number, or . for the current line, or $ for the last line.
display information about vim

it should be enough today to play a little and increase your productivity lol ;-)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Kapersky and the 20 viruses

Kaspersky has just published its list of the top 20 malwaress (Virus/Trojan/Worm/...) spreaded by mail. As a consequence, in the case you see those little creature: don't click on them, don't try to play with them...
  1. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.q
  2. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.dn
  3. Email-Worm.Win32.Bagle.gen
  4. Email-Worm.Win32.Scano.gen
  5. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.ev
  6. Email-Worm.Win32.Bagle.mail
  7. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.dc
  8. Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom.l
  9. Email-Worm.Win32.Mydoom.m
  10. Email-Worm.Win32.Scano.e
  12. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.aa
  13. Email-Worm.Win32.NetSky.b
  14. Net-Worm.Win32.Mytob.c
  15. Trojan-Spy.HTML.Bankfraud.od
  17. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.gen
  18. Email-Worm.Win32.Bagle.dx
  19. Email-Worm.Win32.Warezov.dh
Some new players in the team: Warezov.dn, Warezov.ev, Warezov.dc,,, Warezov.gen, Warezov.dh.
Some malwares which begin to extinguish: NetSky.b, Mytob.c, Bankfraud.od, Unfortunately we can notice the return of: NetSky.q, Bagle.gen, Bagle.mail, Mydoom.l, Mydoom.m, Scano.e, NetSky.aa, Bagle.dx, this means that some people don't have an uptodate antivirus, as a consequence they are infected and spread the threat! So install an antivirus if you haven't one already and ensure that it is uptodate (not only Kapersky, but Norton too, or ClamWin...)

Friday, November 03, 2006

LastFMproxy, Streamripper and Amarok

I have recently discovered Lastfm, the community radio. It is a great thing just give it the name of some artists you like and it will gather musics of this artists or similar artists... After that you can be a little more specific and say if you like the music or if you want to ban it! Most of the time the choices are excellent and they are becoming more and more relevant with the time and your selection. If you want to read the lastfm flux in one of your old player on linux, you should try lastfmproxy (you can find it here ), just uncompress the archive with this command:
tar -xvzf lastfmproxy-1.1.tar.gz
then go inside the directory you have just created, modify the file with your username and password for That's it, now you can run the main script:
you should see something like:
Starting LastFMProxy 1.1...
Connecting to server...
To tune in, point your browser to:
The last line stand to give you the url you can listen in your old player... So start it and open this url. That's working ;-) Great.
In all the previous part I said "old player", it is because with the great player of linux: Amarok, you can directly play you need to go in Settings and that's it! You can now choose open a flux! Enjoy.
You probably wonder why I told you about LastFmproxy if you don't need it to play LastFM if you use Amarok... It is because there is a little trick: if you listen LastFM, you only listen it, when you shut down your computer, or when the music is finished, there is no way to listen it again! So let install streamripper to record all this music on your computer. First of all you should only record music with a copy left, otherwise you are out of law! Now start lastfmproxy as explained before. And type this little command:
streamripper http://localhost:1881/lastfm.mp3 -d /home/mynqme/mydirectory -r
you can notice 3 arguments:
the radio you want to listen and record
the directory in which you will save music
the last argument will let you listen the music you are recording.
Launch the command, go to Amarok and open the url http://localhost:8000
That's it you can listen and record music on LastFM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How to verify the root user id on SUN?

If you program sometimes on Sun Solaris, you have probably noticed that the syntax is not always the same as the one of Linux, or HP-Unix... This time, before running my script I had to verify that it is root, who runs the script: after 30 minutes of headhache, I finally find a way: enjoy the aspirin

WHO=`id | cut -f1 -d" "`
if [ ! "$WHO" = "uid=0(root)" ]


echo "You must be super-user to run this script."

exit 1


How to get rid of output of your scripts?

Just add at the end of your command line: >/dev/null 2>&1 so you redirect fd1 to /dev/null, then dump it onto fd2:

Normally: fd1 -> stdout fd2 -> stderr

>/dev/null: fd1 -> /dev/null fd2 -> stdout

2>&1: fd1 -> /dev/null fd2 -> /dev/null

Now no more output, it is very interessant espscially for cronjob.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Google Calendar && Kontact

I only start to fill my Calendar by Google, but I have also my calendar on my portable with Kontact... The question which often arises in these cases, how to share information between the two (except if you are schizophrenic...) how to synchronize the two calendars??? Mr. Google once again thought to everything: it is simple: settings > calendars > share this calendar > calendar details.... There you will see small squares of color XML, iCal, HTML on the line private addresse. Select iCal and copy the address which is kindly given to you by Google. Now on Kontact: File > Import > Import Calendar... At this time there, instead of seeking on your computer a file, enter the address given by M.Google answer two or three questions... that is it. You finally could be more effective in your work, to optimize your life; -)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Linux:: AmaroK

In the inuits legends, Amarok is the giant wolf which devours the imprudent hunters, who hunt alone the night. In the world of computers, Amarok is the application which could too devour the imprudent users of Windows which use the old old old Itunes... Amarok is an application of the free world which works exclusively under Linux or Unix.
AmaroK allows inter alia:
  • to manage advanced playlists
  • to develop new functionalities via scripts
  • to record statistical data of a song even if this one is renamed or moved
  • to use K3B (burning software for Kde) for the CD engraving
  • to use the data bases to store information of music
  • to use your iPod
  • to manually configure a generic reader with key format USB
  • to benefit from the crossfading
  • to use MusicBrainz to recover informations on your music
  • to recover the words of the songs
  • to recover the covers of albums on the Amazon site
  • to recover on Wikipédia the articles on the album, the artist or the song in the course of listening
  • to manage the support of radio operator flows of

Unfortunately for the users of Windows, Amarok will never be carried under Windows because of:
  • its licence LPG
  • KDE-libs (which it uses)
  • need somebody to do it...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Linux:: How to make a substitution in VIM?

Just type:
and then
To highlight a string, just move the cursor to the strinf, then press and then # to move from one occurrence to another, just press n.

Linux:: Use of ssh-agent

You often connect remotely by using ssh… and you are fed up of always having to enter your password: ssh-agent is made for you. ssh-agent is a daemon whose only goal is to keep in memory (in a protected way) the “passphrase” so that it is not necessary to type it with each use of ssh.
The following order creates the variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK which contains the way of a socket that ssh, SCP (and other orders) will use to dialogue with ssh-agent:
$ ssh-agent

To communicate the private key and the sentence of master key to ssh-agent by means of ssh-add:
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Enter the passphrase for /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa:

The private key is thus deciphered and stored in the mask of ssh-agent, lends to being used

One can now use ssh and SCP without having to enter the password.

Linux:: How to install IMVU on Linux

Sorry, I do not have a magic receipt, I tested Wine and Crossover well, but I had some problems with glu32.dll and opengl32.dll… I have thus to try the vitualisation and my Windows machine in Qemu. It is great, it works! I launch only that, and I have to remove the updates automatic of Windows, But yes, I can regenerate my virtual machine, therefore in the worst case the virus or the Trojan will remain there only one hour or two: -) not of chance for hackers. Moreover I am seeking how to accelerate my virtual machine: there that could become really a magic receipt, moreover if you have some already: as usual leave me a message

Friday, September 22, 2006

Linux:: How to compare two list and find common element with Perl?

This trick can only be used if you are sure that there is no double value in a same list. You will understand why. First create an hash table (%seen), the basic idea is for each element ($_) of the merge of the two list, we will store it in the hash table. The first time the value is store; seen value is equal to 0, so the grep filter prevents this value to be record in @common. The second and other time an element will be seen, because it will be store with the same key value, the $seen{$_ } will be not null and so the element pass the test of the filter and is recorded.

my %seen;
my @common = grep {$seen{$_}++} @list_1 , @list_2;

but for doing that you need that list are unique (not two times the same element in the same list.) For doing that you can use this function:

sub Array_Uniq
my @List = @_;
my %FutureList;
$FutureList{$_} = 1; # delete double values
return (keys(%FutureList));

Friday, September 15, 2006

Linux:: XEN

It makes a long time that I didn't speak about virtualisation However it is a subject which will be discussed more and more . Moreover the RedHat company has just announced the nearest installation of technology XEN within its version for professional. Contrary to other technologies of virtualisation such VMWare or Qemu which simulates the material and the bios, the virtual machines under XEN has access to the material thanks to XEN modified kernel. The result of this other paradigm is a virtual machine almost as fast as the machine host. So enjoy the virtualization!!! The only constraint is that the architecture of the virtual machines must enable them to use the technology XEN… contrary to VMWare and Qemu which does not require modification of guest” OS. It is not a problem with opensource OS such Linux, whose code was already modified to be able to turn with XEN, on the other hand what is at stake is Windows… And it is there that the real difficulty arises: much user of Linux uses a virtual machine to make turn Windows, even if the team of XEN said to have modified Windows to allow to make it turn under XEN, some licences prevent the team from publishing Let us hope that the agreement between Microsoft and XEN could change the situation. In addition the arrival of dual the core and technologies of virtualisation directly within the processors should end licence's problems mentioned herebefore and another side to still improve quality of virtualisationThe bootloader could thus belong very soon to last and the stories of I am under such OS, I must rebootwill be finished soon.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Linux:: DVB-T Freecom TV on your PC

I have just bought a DVB-T usb key Freecom. I thus took one having best price quality: Freecom DVB-T

I bought it on the Amazon web site for some 45$ It works well under Windows: even if the installation program is quite bad… that still finish to work. The good point is that the antenna comes with a MediaCenter software: very interesting when as me you have only one Windows XP pro without the media center. But you suspect well that I have to install it under Linux; -) Guess? YES! It works better: no problem the image never freeze : a pleasure and all that with only the small provided antenna! To install the DVB-T key, do not try modify your kernel and to add modules to it; best is to use tools from linuxtv:
  1. Download the firmware: dvb-usb-wt220u-fc03.fw
  2. cp dvb-usb-wt220u-fc03.fw /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/
  3. apt-get mercurial build-essential (et les header de votre kernel si vous avez un kernel standard)
  4. mkdir /usr/src/modules
  5. cd /usr/src/modules
  6. hg clone
  7. cd v4l-dvb
  8. make-config
Answer to the questions as there:

# using defaults found in .config
* Linux Kernel Configuration
* Multimedia devices
Video For Linux (VIDEO_DEV) [N/m/y/?] n
* Digital Video Broadcasting Devices
DVB For Linux (DVB) [Y/n/?] y
DVB Core Support (DVB_CORE) [N/m/y/?] m
* Supported SAA7146 based PCI Adapters
* Supported USB Adapters
Support for various USB DVB devices (DVB_USB) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Enable extended debug support for all DVB-USB devices (DVB_USB_DEBUG) [N/y/?] (NEW) n
AVerMedia AverTV DVB-T USB 2.0 (A800) (DVB_USB_A800) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-B) (see help for device list) (DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
DiBcom USB DVB-T devices (based on the DiB3000M-C/P) (see help for device list) (DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MC) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
HanfTek UMT-010 DVB-T USB2.0 support (DVB_USB_UMT_010) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Conexant USB2.0 hybrid reference design support (DVB_USB_CXUSB) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Nebula Electronics uDigiTV DVB-T USB2.0 support (DVB_USB_DIGITV) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
TwinhanDTV Alpha/MagicBoxII, DNTV tinyUSB2, Beetle USB2.0 support (DVB_USB_VP7045) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
TwinhanDTV StarBox and clones DVB-S USB2.0 support (DVB_USB_VP702X) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
GENPIX 8PSK->USB module support (DVB_USB_GP8PSK) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T usb2 DVB-T USB2.0 support (DVB_USB_NOVA_T_USB2) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
WideView WT-200U and WT-220U (pen) DVB-T USB2.0 support (Yakumo/Hama/Typhoon/Yuan) (DVB_USB_DTT200U) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
Technotrend/Hauppauge Nova-USB devices (DVB_TTUSB_BUDGET) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Technotrend/Hauppauge USB DEC devices (DVB_TTUSB_DEC) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Terratec CinergyT2/qanu USB2 DVB-T receiver (DVB_CINERGYT2) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* Supported FlexCopII (B2C2) Adapters
Technisat/B2C2 FlexCopII(b) and FlexCopIII adapters (DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* Supported BT878 Adapters
* Supported Pluto2 Adapters
Pluto2 cards (DVB_PLUTO2) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* Supported DVB Frontends
* Customise DVB Frontends
* DVB-S (satellite) frontends
ST STV0299 based (DVB_STV0299) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Conexant CX24110 based (DVB_CX24110) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Conexant CX24123 based (DVB_CX24123) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Philips TDA8083 based (DVB_TDA8083) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Zarlink VP310/MT312 based (DVB_MT312) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
VLSI VES1893 or VES1993 based (DVB_VES1X93) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Samsung S5H1420 based (DVB_S5H1420) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends
Spase sp8870 based (DVB_SP8870) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Spase sp887x based (DVB_SP887X) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Conexant CX22700 based (DVB_CX22700) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Conexant cx22702 demodulator (OFDM) (DVB_CX22702) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
LSI L64781 (DVB_L64781) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Philips TDA10045H/TDA10046H based (DVB_TDA1004X) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
NxtWave Communications NXT6000 based (DVB_NXT6000) [M/?] (NEW) n
Zarlink MT352 based (DVB_MT352) [M/?] (NEW) m
Zarlink ZL10353 based (DVB_ZL10353) [N/m/?] (NEW) m
DiBcom 3000M-B (DVB_DIB3000MB) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
DiBcom 3000P/M-C (DVB_DIB3000MC) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* DVB-C (cable) frontends
VLSI VES1820 based (DVB_VES1820) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Philips TDA10021 based (DVB_TDA10021) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
ST STV0297 based (DVB_STV0297) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends
NxtWave Communications NXT2002/NXT2004 based (DVB_NXT200X) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Oren OR51211 based (DVB_OR51211) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Oren OR51132 based (DVB_OR51132) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
Broadcom BCM3510 (DVB_BCM3510) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
LG Electronics LGDT3302/LGDT3303 based (DVB_LGDT330X) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
* Miscellaneous devices
LNBP21 SEC controller (DVB_LNBP21) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
ISL6421 SEC controller (DVB_ISL6421) [N/m/?] (NEW) n
DABUSB driver (USB_DABUSB) [N/m/?] n

  1. make
  2. make install
Now you only need to reboot your pc and there is a small orange light… You do it: congratulation! Now go in Kaffeine: play a little with the configuration menu and now you should be able to watch TV programs on your computer: cool isn't it. Of course before that I had some problem but if you have problem write a post and I will try to help you

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blender and "Elephants Dream"

You probably know Google Video: this is an excellent animation film you can find on Google Video: Elephants Dreams

What is at stake with this small cartoon is that it was entirely created with free software: like Blender… Thus if you feel the heart of Tim Burton, enjoy Blender.
Regarding Elephants Dream, my opinion is that all the machine is in the head of the young person and that the old man is there to only try to maintain this beautiful machine. In fact he know that it can be realized only by maintaining the young person in the belief of the machine… If you have divergent opinions: leave a post; -)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: Qemu and the mouse

I had problems where the mouse would stick at the bottom right-hand corner, becoming unusable. A solution to this is before you run qemu, type in your terminal this command:


Now you can play with your virtual machines

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/20/2006 01:09:00 PM

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: Yakuake

Do you know this tool? I have used it a long time now and it is totally amazing. I have never to use again konsole. Only press F12 and you have your Terminal:
you can configure its height, its weight, you can have several terminal in the same time. This is very useful: I recommend it to any geek

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/20/2006 11:44:00 AM

Thursday, August 10, 2006

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: AWK

Imagine that you have an huge, huge file, organized with columns, like that:

Class Top_Searches Num_Search

1. Heathrow 34521
2. Meebo 34478
3. Buffett and Hezbollah 23442
4. London 21354
5. Lieberman 16532
6. Lebanon 15342
7. Icalendar 15234
8. Israel 12345
9. Video 9877
10. Terror 8532
11. Deceit Beyond 5679
12. Adnan Hajj 4568
13. Apple 3467
14. Terrorism 2345
15. Terror Plot 2123

If you want only to displays the first and third columns, it seems impossible... Actually, only for a windows user, because Linux or Unix
have a powerful tool to manipulate those file. One year ago, my girl friend had a huge huge file, a bit like that for
a study about obesity, she tried to opened it with excel... But excel freezed becquse the file was too big... So she asked me
for a solution: I did all she wanted only by using command line tools and espescially awk! So now some example to measure the
power of awk. The awk command is as you have already probably understood a power pattern matching language that allows you to modify input lines by manipulating the fields they contain.

$ awk '{print}' file.txt

This has the same result as $ cat file.txt, it displays all the content of the file

$ awk '\toto\' file.txt

This has the same result as $ grep Heathrow file.txt, it displays only line which content the word Heathrow.

$ awk '\Lieberman\ {print $5,$7,$12}' file.txt

It only displays columns 5, 7 and 12 of line containing "Lieberman"

$ awk '{if ($3 <>

It displays columns 3 and 7 if the key 3 is less than 2000.

$ awk -F":" '{ print $3 "\t" $1 }' /etc/passwd |sort -g

Display user by increasing userid. Notice that if you want to print a tabulation you've to use \t, idem if you want print a new line, use \n.

$ awk -F"\t" '{ print $4 "\t" $10 }' file.txt

You can specified the separator with the command -F"\t" (notice that tabulation and space are the default one)

And this is only the beginning with some file, where you use a end line to separate data and a some sign like @ to separate
a group of data,
you can use awk to retrieve some informations:

$ awk ' BEGIN { RS="^"; FS="\n" } /London/ ' file.txt

This kind of command permit you to process file like this one:

Airport: Heathrow
Bus: First

Airport: Charles de Gaulle

Incredible isn't it. Some other links to improve your "awk" skills:

A Guided Tour Of Awk

The GNU Awk User's Guide

Getting started with awk

How to Use AWK

UNIX Utilities - awk

Awk Tutorial

Awk and shell


Introduction to akw

Awk et bash

IBM developer's work

String manipulations

AWK: The Linux Administrators' Wisdom Kit

Introduction to (g)awk

Gawk Chapter 1

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/10/2006 09:23:00 PM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: join

How to join files, which have a common key?
Example :

File t1 :

Row Search Number_Hit
1. Lieberman 60853
2. Adnan Hajj 40642
3. Icalendar 30674
4. Meebo 26389
5. Lamont 26321
6. Buffett 25321
7. Video 19532
8. Aol Search 18344
9. Lebanon 16532
10. Israel 15342
11. Wwdc 11453
12. Cynthia 10567
13. McKinney 9674
14. Ned Lamont 8334
15. Photo 7653

File t2 :

Row Tags
1. Israel
2. Lebanon
3. War
4. Hezbollah
5. lieberman
5. Microsoft
6. leberman
7. AOL
8. ned lamont
9. wordpress
10. Windows
11. Iraq
12. Sex
13. Bush
14. Middle
To compare and join the key 2 of the file 1 (this is the signification of the argument -1 2)
with the key 1 of the file 2.

$ join -1 1 -2 1 techno_1 techno_2

Row Search Number_Hit Tags
1. Lieberman 60853 Israel
2. Adnan Hajj 40642 Lebanon
3. Icalendar 30674 War
4. Meebo 26389 Hezbollah
5. Lamont 26321 lieberman
5. Lamont 26321 Microsoft
6. Buffett 25321 leberman
7. Video 19532 AOL
8. Aol Search 18344 ned lamont
9. Lebanon 16532 wordpress
10. Israel 15342 Windows
11. Wwdc 11453 Iraq
12. Cynthia 10567 Sex
13. McKinney 9674 Bush
14. Ned Lamont 8334 Middle
Interesting isn'it?
I hope it could help you, in fact this is not the best example, I know but if you were seqrching how to concatenate two files this is the tool you need, and I've just give you the syntax. I hope it will be helpful

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/09/2006 08:33:00 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: Presentation of the command SORT

You want to write some shell script, this link should teach you everything you should know

Let me introduce you to a fabulous tool: sort. Just an example of marvelous things you can do by using it:
Let be the file techno.txt

1 £.34 Adnan Hajj
2 £.45 Wwdc
3 £.35 Reuters
4 £.10 Lebanon
5 £.500 Apple
6 £.39 Aol Data
7 £.1 Mel Gibson
8 £.1000 Israel
9 £.27 Video
10 £.3 Intimations of Recession
11 £.67 Lollapalooza
12 £.345 Erik
13 £.675 Wordcamp
14 £.876 Flavor of Love
15 £.56 Joe Francis

Sort price:

$ sort -n -t. -k2 techno.txt

7 £.1 Mel Gibson
10 £.3 Intimations of Recession
4 £.10 Lebanon
9 £.27 Video
1 £.34 Adnan Hajj
3 £.35 Reuters
6 £.39 Aol Data
2 £.45 Wwdc
15 £.56 Joe Francis
11 £.67 Lollapalooza
12 £.345 Erik
5 £.500 Apple
13 £.675 Wordcamp
14 £.876 Flavor of Love
8 £.1000 Israel

Now a quick explaination of the syntax:

-n numerical
-t. separator: the dot
-k key

It's enough for today, play with it create your own files, if you have a problem let me know I will be glad to help you

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/07/2006 09:11:00 PM

[Some Thinks about everything] Linux:: How to become a Linux Guru

Start reading those documentations, they are very useful, even if you use an Ubuntu or another distribution, which hide all the possibilities of a Linux... Ready?
Introduction to Linux
To understand what a process is
A lot of information, a treasurebut made in France

How to install a Mandriva(english)
Linux Newbie Administrator Guide
Linux shorcuts and commands
The Linux documentation Project
The diary of a linux newbie
Tips and Tricks for Linux(french)
Installation of a Debian system(french)
Network: NAT(the best explanation I have ever found)
Peter Scott's Unix, Linux and X Notes
Teach yourself HTML, XHTML, SQL, XML

Posted by ServalX02 to Some Thinks about everything at 8/07/2006 09:00:00 PM